Relaxation day in Khajuraho today. Yoga class in the garden, at first I don't come down, I still have a headache but finally I get up. After the class I feel great, so I have a hearty breakfast.

Khajuraho lake
We rent bikes again and head back to the temples in the south, visit the village and a school.

Suddenly I start to feel bad again, the effort with the bike together with the heat, make me feel bad again and we decide to go back to the accommodation.

On the way I punctured the wheel. We stop under the shade of a tree and we start to be surrounded by locals, they are very nice, a boy tries to help me and wants me to take the wheel to his uncle to get it fixed.

Woman carrying firewood
Back at the hostel we watch people, drawing water from wells, washing clothes, letting them dry on the floor. There are few domestic animals and they are usually for work.

Ghat Kajuraho

We return the bike and go up to rest in the room, tonight we take a train back to Delhi, again sleeping car.

We meet Tony an Indian married to a Spanish woman who speaks very good Spanish, he is saving money to be able to fly to Barcelona, they are required to have a minimum of liquidity to be able to enter Spain.
We have almost fourteen hours to travel to Dehli.
Accommodation: Surya 350 rupees double room with bathroom and fan, overlooking the garden.
Bike rental: 50 rupees per bike all day.
Train from Khajuraho to Delhi: Rs.461 per pax
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